You keep digging deeper.
My Emergency Fund is still sparse. I was thinking, "Nothing bad has happened for me to have to use it, I think I'll be okay"
Update Jan 27, 2017: Emergency Fund is up to $730. It will be fully funded soon!
After I emptied it again to make some "wants" come to life. I've been feeling so so scared. "What if I get a flat tire?" "What if I total my car?" "What if Daisy [pet rabbit] gets seriously sick?" So I made the decision to push back being credit card debt free by ONE paycheck in order to have an adequate amount in my savings. Just one paycheck! I changed my budget around and I feel SO much more relaxed knowing I have a plan now.
I'm filling this hole back up again. Slowly but surely I will be Credit Card debt free by the end of June!
Also, I started a side hustle. I'm sewing makeup bags and other things on etsy. Check em out :)
--> EtceteraPanda